
BRICK 5: Describe the assessment

Page history last edited by Dara K. Cepeda 12 years, 7 months ago


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BRICK 5: Describe the assessment.  Any instructional plan should have an appropriate assessment component.  Look carefully at your performance objective(s).  How do you know that your learners have mastered, or have failed to master that specific objective?


The instructional unit facilitates an authentic learning experience where the learner does create a product and invites spectators to view that product. The learner will have different assessmenst that will indicate if the performance objectives have been satisfied, including:

Entry Skill Pre Assessment:

The intent of this assessment is to activate prior knowledge of various instructional strategies as well as interactive application processes. The assessment will measure both prerequisite skills and entry skills. The assessment will be given twice, once prior to instruction and after instruction.


The instructional unit will create an authentic learning experience where critquing the final product is possible. Using the rubric learners will have a better understanding of how they will be assessed. The rubric will describe a set a criteria that assesses the indicated performance objectives listed below in the table.

Attached Table with Performance Objectives

Attached Entry Skill Pre Assessment

Attached Rubric

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