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Introduction - BRICK 1 - BRICK 2 - BRICK 3 - BRICK 4 - BRICK 5 - BRICK 6 - MULTIMEDIA
BRICK 2: Describe the locale and situation in which your learner will access the instruction (the "learnint"g sea). Very often, distance learners, and even traditional classroom learners, will master the specific learning objectives in one environment, but that environment is completely different from where they will actually implement their training. Think of your "first responders." These people receive training very possibly in a classroom, or online, or even at a fire station where they spend a significant amount of their time, but even though they may be demonstrating their mastery of the objective in the "learning seat" locale, they will not be implementing their training in that specific locale. They may well be administering oxygen to an incapacitated victim just outside a burning building, implementing training they received back at the firehouse in a completely different situation.
Describe the locale and situation in which your learner will access the instruction:
The learning will take place in the campus computer lab. The lab is equipped with 25 desk computers that have internet access and are preprogrammed for students. Each computer will already have a short cut icon on the desktop for quick access to Glogster. There will be a Professional Educator and Paraprofessional monitoring the learning process. TLW need to have average computer skills in order to login, access the internet and follow directions.
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