
Cooperative Group Project EDTC 6320 (redirected from Relevance)

Page history last edited by Dara K. Cepeda 11 years, 7 months ago



 Introduction   -   BRICK 1    -   BRICK 2   -   BRICK 3  -   BRICK 4  -   BRICK 5  -   BRICK 6    -  Multimedia 



Glogster gives the students the opportunity to increase digital literacy and enhance their learning experiences by:


  • Enjoy a fun Learning experience
  • Demonstrate mastery of technology tools
  • Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding
  • Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings
  • Use technology tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and access
  • Tapping into learners’ interests, offering appropriate challenges, and increasing motivation
  • Providing learners options for demonstrating what they know


Glogster can be used for any curriculum area. Students can create a Glog to display any new knowledge or learning. Completed glogs can be embedded into your Class wiki.


Glogster is a social network that allows users to create free interactive posters, or Glogs. A "Glog", short for "graphics blog", is an interactive multimedia image. It looks like a poster, but readers can interact with the content. Our lesson will consist of training 5th grade students at Progreso I.S.D. to use glogster to enhance any project. 


The Progreso Independent School District is a Title I school located in south Texas with primarily a Hispanic population. The 5th grade class consists of 175 students. Out of those 175, 80 are labeled English Language Learners (ELL). While the district administrators are great advocates on ways of enhancing each child's learning, it is extremely hard to accomplish. Like in many other districts, educators are always looking for ways to engage, enhance and motivate the learning process and introduce them to a different tool for learning that they might not have access to in their home environment. After discussing within our groups and listing previous lessons that we have done and have proven to engage our learners we decided our intended learners to be all 5th grade students in the Progreso Independent School District whom will be trained on using Glogster.


The learning will take place in the campus computer lab. The lab is equipped with 25 desk computers that have internet access and are preprogrammed for students. Each computer will already have a short cut icon on the desktop for quick access to Glogster. There will be a Professional Educator and Paraprofessional monitoring the learning process. TLW need to have average computer skills in order to login, access the internet and follow directions. The students have all been taking a computer class since 4th grade and should have the foundation on basic computer skills.


With the use of Glogster, 5th grade students from Progreso ISD will create rich media digital posters, by implementing several media tools including, graphics, video and links without any assistance.  



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