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Sample Project         Project Rubric 


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Introduction   -  


Glogster is a social network that allows users to create free interactive posters, or Glogs. A "Glog", short for "graphics blog", is an interactive multimedia image. It looks like a poster, but readers can interact with the content. Our lesson will consist of training 5th grade students at Progreso I.S.D. to use glogster to enhance any project. 



BRICK 1   -  


Describe the intended learner:


The Progreso Independent School District is a Title I school located in south Texas with primarily a Hispanic population. The 5th grade class consists of 175 students. Out of those 175, 80 are labeled Limited English Proficient (LEP) and about 35% commute on a daily basis from Mexico. While the district administrators are great advocates on ways of enhancing each child's learning, it is extremely hard to accomplish. Like in many other districts, educators are always looking for ways to engage, enhance and motivate the learning process and introduce them to a different tool for learning that they might not have access to in their home environment. After discussing within our groups and listing previous lessons that we have done and have proven to engage our learners we decided our intended learners to be all 5th grade students in the Progreso Independent School District whom will be trained on using Glogster.



BRICK 2   -  


Describe the locale and situation in which your learner will access the instruction:


The learning will take place in the campus computer lab. The lab is equipped with 25 desk computers that have internet access and are preprogrammed for students. Each computer will already have a short cut icon on the desktop for quick access to Glogster. There will be a Professional Educator and Paraprofessional monitoring the learning process. TLW need to have average computer skills in order to login, access the internet and follow directions. The students have all been taking a computer class since 4th grade and should have the foundation on basic computer skills.



BRICK 3   -  


Describe the locale and situation in which your learner will use the instruction:


The learner will be able to incorporate using Glogster throughout all subjects in the campus computer lab setting. Glogster is a way of enhancing any given project. The learner will also be able to use this tool outside of the classroom environment as long as they have access to a computer and internet. For example, if they are running for student council or a specific club. Our district includes an Early College Campus and our students begin to interview by 6th grade, this tool will be a great way to show off their creativity.




BRICK 4   -  


Write a specific instructional objective(s) including the three components of a behavioral objective:


With the use of Glogster, 5th grade students from Progreso ISD will create rich media digital posters, by implementing several media tools including, graphics, video and links without any assistance.  




BRICK 5   -   


Describe the assessment(s):


The instructional unit facilitates an authentic learning experience where the learner does create a product and invites spectators to view that product. The learner will have different assessmenst that will indicate if the performance objectives have been satisfied, including:

Entry Skill Pre Assessment:

The intent of this assessment is to activate prior knowledge of various instructional strategies as well as interactive application processes. The assessment will measure both prerequisite skills and entry skills. The assessment will be given twice, once prior to instruction and after instruction.


The instructional unit will create an authentic learning experience where critquing the final product is possible. Using the rubric learners will have a better understanding of how they will be assessed. The rubric will describe a set a criteria that assesses the indicated performance objectives listed below in the table.

Attached Table with Performance Objectives

Attached Entry Skill Pre Assessment

Attached Rubric 


BRICK 6   -  


Outline and describe the instructional package:


Training Purpose:

To impact the students skills and knowledge on how to operate and create a Glogster presentation in order to construct meaningful visual presentations



Instructional Goal:

With the use of Glogster, 5th grade students from Progreso ISD will create rich media digital posters, by implementing several media tools including, graphics, video, and links without any assistance.



Instructional Duty: 

The presenter (Teacher) will guide and facilitate students on how to use and create a Glogster presentation.

The audience (Students) will listen and practice on how to create a Glogster.



Materials and/or equipment needed:

The instructional materials will be managed and used through web-based instruction accessible through the internet. The multimedia that will be use by the learners for this training:


Computers with internet access: Since the training is web-based the learners will need access to a computer with internet access to deliver and complete the instructional unit and goals.


Web-Based Training: The instructional unit will be uploaded to the training unit Wiki page; the learners will find the instructional video, and instructions on how to complete their training. The e-learning component of this instructional unit provides learners flexibility to complete the training at their own pace.  


According to Wang and Beasley, Wikis are collaborative online editing environments. As such, they lend themselves to collaborative educational activities – especially those that require students to work together across geographic or temporal boundaries (Wang & Beasley, 2008).


Create an instructional video using Jing: An instructional video will be created showing the learners step-by-step instructions on how to meet their instructional goal. This video will be embedded into the training wiki page.


The following materials will also be needed to complete this training:

  • Speakers or headsets
  • Teacher will need a Projector and Laptop to demonstrate the use of Glogster
  • Instructional packages w/ flow chart,


These selected materials are going to help the learner to become familiar with the usage of Glogster through visual demonstration, written and verbal instructions.



Instructional Delivery of Materials:

The materials will help the students to become familiar with the usage of Glogster. The lesson will be delivered through web-based instruction through a wiki training page. All the instructioal material (video, guide) will be uploaded to the wiki training page so students could have access anytime

  • The students will use a desktop computer which will have a shortcut icon to the Glogster website and wiki page for instructions. 
  • The students will receive instructional packages, which will have written instructions on how to logon to Glogster and the usage of the tools on Glogster. 
  • The instructional package will include a Flow Chart, which will visually show students the steps and tasks necessary to complete each step. 
  • The students will have access to the instructional wiki page, which will have a training video. The training video will demonstrate step by step how to logon to Glogster, and will demonstrate the usage of the tools on Glogster.



Content Presentation:
The instructional training and all of the materials will be delivered electronically through a wiki training page. The training instructional guide and instructional video will be uploaded to the training wiki page.  The learners will access to the wiki page by accessing the shortcut displayed on the desktops of each computer in the computer lab, and each learner will receive the wiki web page address before the training, and if necessary they can access the training material anytime throughout the school year. A training instructional guide will be given to each of the learners before the lesson: inside the training guide will consist of the instructions on “How to Create A Glogster”. Also inside the instructional guide the learners will have the task analysis diagram displaying the main tasks necessary to complete each objective. The purpose of using the diagram will be so that the learners can have a visual guide of the steps to be followed in the training.                                                                                


Students will be paired with another student during the training.


  • Students will practice each step of training using the computers.
  • Students will discuss how they can implement Glogster into the classroom.
  • Students will help each other out if anyone needs assistance.
  • The students will use the instructional video and guide to apply the skills being learned to accomplish the instructional goal.
  • The teacher will provide students constructive feedback throughout the training.


The learners will be practicing the skills they learn as they finish the instructional video and go through the instructional guide on how to create a Glogster poster. The learners will experience hands-on instructions and demonstration of this hands-on instruction is required in order to complete the training.


Instructional Guide

Prerequisite: The teacher will create a classroom Glogster giving every student access to the Educational Glogster.


Step 1:  Students log in to http://edu.glogster.com

Click on the Log In link in the upper-right corner of the page


Step 2: Use your username and password that was provided by your teacher to login to your account


Step 3: Once you login, Click on the red button that says “Create New Glog” at the top of your screen.

A new Glog template will open up for you to edit and begin creating.


Step 4: You will notice objects on your new template, delete these objects so you can start fresh. To delete, click once on the object and a red trashcan will appear on the edit menu.

Click the trashcan and the object will be deleted. You can also click once on the object and push your delete key on your keyboard.


Step 5: In order to add new objects, locate your magnetic tool bar. It is usually floating and can be moved up or down depending on where you are working in the Glog.

If your magnetic toolbar is hiding, click on the pink arrow to expand or open it up.


Step 6: To add graphics, click on the magnetic toolbar item called Graphics and a dialog box will appear. There are categories to help narrow down your search.

When you have found one to use, click on that graphic so it will appear in the right-side preview pane and then click the button Use It! This will add it to your Glog.


Step 7: On your Glog Page, click on the graphic you wish to edit. Now you should see the edit menu pop up above the graphic. This menu will allow you to do the following:

Bring Object Forward          Delete          Undo           Edit        Send Object Backwards


With the arrows located around the object, you can resize or rotate. 


Step 8: To add text, click on the Text button on the magnetic toolbar and a dialogue box should appear with different categories.

When you have selected a category to use, click on that text option so it will appear in the right-side preview pane and then click the button Use It! This will add it to your Glog.


Step 9: To add a Video, click on the Video button on the magnetic toolbar and a dialog box will appear. The first time you use this feature you will not see any videos in the workspace.


You have the option to Upload one from your computer, Link to one on the Internet, or Grab one via a web cam. You also have the option of using SchoolTube Videos.

  • To upload a video from your hard drive, click the Upload button and located the video to open. (Recorded videos)
  • To link to a video via the web, click Link and a dialog box will appear. Paste the web address and then click Add To Your Files. (Videos from YouTube)
  • Obtaining videos is selecting SchoolTube videos on the left hand navigation bar. In the search bar, type a keyword to find videos that are related to your topic.
  • To Grab a Video from a webcam, click the Grab button. A webcam dialog box will appear to guide you through the process. 


Once the video has been selected, you have the option of adding the video to a player. Select the player of choice then click Use It! Now it will be added to your Glog.


You can edit the video by changing the order, clone it, undo or delete it. With the arrows located around the object, you can resize or rotate.





The students will be assessed twice during this training, one prior to instruction and after instruction. The purpose of this assessment is to activate prior knowledge of various instructional strategies as well as interactive application process. The Entry Skill PreAssessment will help students to reflect on their learning. 



Performance Rubric:

Students will have set criteria that assess their performance and understanding during the instructional training. The students will have to create a Glogster poster of their selves to get familiar with all the tools available.



Group Presentation





* Glogster images courtesy of edu.glogster.com

* Collaborative Group image courtesy of 21centuryedtech.wordpress.com


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